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What is considered Freezing Temperatures in Phasmophobia?

There are many things to look out for in Phasmophobia when determining what type of ghost you are dealing with. One thing to keep an eye out for is freezing temperatures. You might be wondering what freezing temperatures in Phasmophobia are.

You can read freezing temperatures with the thermometer. These temperatures are below 0°C/32°F. However, you should keep in mind that there is an error margin of 2° on the thermometer, which could cause incorrect readings, especially when a ghost doesn't use freezing temperatures as evidence.

Related: How to Use Smudge Sticks in Phasmophobia

The other way to tell if you are in a room with freezing temperatures is if your investigator has visible breath exhalations, either on-camera or in person. Just don't confuse the breath with a smudge stick. Six types of ghosts can cause freezing temperatures like this. These are Mare, Wraith, Banshee, Demon, Phantom, and Yurei.

Freezing temperatures are a type of evidence when determining what kind of ghost is present. If a ghost is present and doesn't use freezing temperatures as evidence, it can only drop the temperature to 5°C/40.9°F. This should make it pretty obvious whether or not you are in a room with freezing temperatures and whether it can be considered evidence.

For more information on Phasmophobia, check out Phasmophobia: Patch Notes (September 2021) and Ouija Board Locations in Phasmophobia on Pro Game Guides.
