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What does Luck affect in Triangle Strategy?

Many battle aspects in Triangle Strategy seem to rely in your getting “lucky.” For example, if you’re unlucky, an archer can blind you. If you’re lucky, you can successfully provoke an enemy. Landing critical hits seem based on luck too. And what about evading said critical hits, is that luck-based too?

What does Luck do?

Luck only affects one thing in Triangle Strategy: the odds of you landing critical hits. Everything else is dependent on the skill, level of upgrade, other stats such as evasion and more.

Related: Best characters to use in Triangle Strategy

For example, provoke and blind always have a higher chance of landing compared to other status effects such as blind and tempt. Before you attack an enemy, the likelihood of a status effect landing is always shown on the right of the enemy's status bar.

If you’re not sure if a status effect has higher chances of landing or not, just remember the following:

  • If it stops the enemy from attacking you in any form (sleep, paralysis, tempt, etc.) its odds of landing are lower compared to others (such as blind and movement down).
  • If it looks like its gains are bigger, its odds of landing are lower compared to others.
    • Paralysis’ landing odds are lower compared to sleep because you can still attack a paralyzed enemy and they won’t be able to move. A sleeping enemy will wake up if you attack it.
    • Tempt’s landing odds are lower compared to the others because of how much bigger its reward is if it lands (you gain a temporary ally).

Skills that rely on odds, such as Lionel’s Ruffling Feathers, are consistent unless there is an upgrade available that will increase its chances of landing.

The odds of you dodging an enemy attack depends on your evasion. Moreover, the odds of an enemy dodging your attacks is also dependent on their evasion stat. Evasion does not affect the odds of status effects landing.

For more help with Triangle Strategy, take a look at some of the other articles here at Pro Game Guides.
