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Fortnite Sorana Back Bling Location

We're taking a quick look at exactly where you need to go to find Sorana's Back Bling Location! You will need to have the Sorana skin before you can complete this, but once you do you'll be able to go collect her sweet new back bling on the Fortnite map.

Ready Ruck Back Bling

As mentioned, you'll need to obtain the Sorana skin before you can collect this cosmetic. To do that, you'll need to get all eight FORTNITE letters that are hidden in the game. Each letter needs to be unlocked individually by completing eight challenges in each of the missions from the battle pass. You can find guides for all of these, including the letter locations right here.

Sorana Back Bling Location

The actual challenge is, "Find the Back Bling hidden in the Chaos Rising Loading Screen while wearing the Sorana Outfit". It's unclear if we have to wait for the Chaos Rising Loading Screen or not, but it has leaked ahead of time. You can find the coordinates to the back bling on it and circled below:

It turns out that the back bling is in the opposite location than it is supposed to be. If you check the loading screen, it shows that it is south at G7/G8-H7/H8, however it is actually where the pickaxe is supposed to be at the G1/G2-H1/H2 coordinates.

Head on over to this location near the beach and you'll find the Back Bling that has washed up on the beach next to a rock!

If you're looking for the Pickaxe, you can find that location here. There's also styles to unlock, you can find those with this guide here.

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