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Best Priest Decks for Scholomance (June 2022) – Standard & Wild!

Priest is your more healer and control based class in Hearthstone. Their decks have been hit and miss over the years, but now-and-again they rise to the top! We're taking a look at the best Priest decks you'll be able to play with in the Scholomance Academy expansion. The class got some new stuff to play with, so there's going to be some new options to bring into Standard or Wild ladder.

The Priest class is one that has had quite a bit of ups-and-downs over the span of Hearthstone. Sadly, it has usually leaned further into the down category, with many metas with the class struggling to find a foothold. However, there have been times of power for Priest, particularly revolving around combo Highlander Priest decks that eventually got hit with nerfs. Dragon Priest has also been a popular archetype that has been in-and-out of the meta depending on what expansions were part of Standard. Big Priest was another archetype that saw success and caused a lot of controversy. It went on to wreak havoc on poor Wild players that could get beaten on turn four by an on-curve Barnes ! That deck has since been nerfed, which has relieved fans of the eternal format.

Best Priest Decks for Scholomance Standard

The best decks for Priest in the Scholomance meta right now are the Highlander Galakrond Priest and Tempo Buff Priest decks! Galakrond was having a lot of success in the past, but an interesting new deck that uses the old school Inner Fire is becoming popular.

BoarControl's Tempo Buff Priest Deck

While the old Inner Fire Priest had some stronger buffing potential, this new version of the deck appears to be functioning rather well. Stick a bunch of minions in the deck with high health, drop in some buff spells, and then use Inner Fire to make a big minion!

Priest Neutral 2x - Frazzled Freshman 2x - Imprisoned Vilefiend 2x - Imprisoned Homunculus 1x - Injured Tol'vir 2x - Inner Fire 2x - Voracious Reader 2x - Power Word: Shield 2x - Power Word: Feast 2x - Sethekk Veilweaver 2x - Apotheosis 2x - Dragonmaw Overseer 1x - Mindrender Illucia 1x - High Priest Amet 2x - Power Infusion 1x - High Abbess Alura 2x - Psyche Split 2x - Devout Pupil

Deck Code

AAECAa0GBKmlA9KlA8PRA/vRAw34AuUElroDm7oDr7oDsLoD6boD9LsDtNEDu9EDwNEDxtEDo9UDAA== Copy Code

Paperninja's #3 Highlander Galakrond Priest Deck

Galakrond Priest is a pretty standard Galakrond built deck that uses a lot of the Invoke cards and puts them into one deck. It reminds me of Dragon Priest of old, where you'd just shove in all the dragons and dragon synergy cards and come out with a pretty good deck.

Priest Neutral 1x - Forbidden Words 1x - Imprisoned Vilefiend 1x - Lazul's Scheme 1x - Zephrys the Great 1x - Disciple of Galakrond 1x - Wretched Tutor 1x - Renew 1x - Headmaster Kel'Thuzad 1x - Wave of Apathy 1x - Kronx Dragonhoof 1x - Penance 1x - Onyx Magescribe 1x - Sethekk Veilweaver 1x - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza 1x - Shadow Word: Death 1x - Thoughtsteal 1x - Apotheosis 1x - Madame Lazul 1x - Mindflayer Kaahrj 1x - Mindrender Illucia 1x - Shadow Madness 1x - Cabal Acolyte 1x - Holy Nova 1x - Shadow Word: Ruin 1x - Convincing Infiltrator 1x - Time Rip 1x - Cabal Shadow Priest 1x - Galakrond, the Unspeakable 1x - Soul Mirror 1x - Murozond the Infinite

Deck Code

AAECAa0GHh7cAZACyQbTCrCRA4KUA5ibA+ubA/yjA5mpA9qsA4WtA82vA46xA5GxA+O0A5O6A5u6A6+6A/S7A8i+A8jAA7PMA9vMA5zNA8vNA+PRA/vRA6bVAwAA Copy Code

Resurrect Priest Deck

If you were playing Resurrect Priest prior to the new expansion then you can continue playing it and find some success with it on the ladder. There's no real great new additions to the deck currently from Scholomance.

Priest Neutral 2x - Forbidden Words 1x - Archmage Vargoth 2x - Penance 2x - Khartut Defender 2x - Shadow Word: Death 2x - Breath of the Infinite 2x - Grave Rune 2x - Holy Nova 2x - Mass Dispel 2x - Psychopomp 2x - Convincing Infiltrator 2x - Psyche Split 2x - Sandhoof Waterbearer 1x - Catrina Muerte 2x - Mass Resurrection 2x - Plague of Death

Deck Code


Galakrond Priest Deck

Galakrond Priest is a pretty standard Galakrond built deck that uses a lot of the Invoke cards and puts them into one deck. It reminds me of Dragon Priest of old, where you'd just shove in all the dragons and dragon synergy cards and come out with a pretty good deck. Scholomance has brought it a few new cards, but they don't drastically change the way the deck is played.

Priest Neutral 2x - Disciple of Galakrond 2x - Devoted Maniac 2x - Holy Smite 1x - Headmaster Kel'Thuzad 2x - Renew 2x - Shield of Galakrond 2x - Wave of Apathy 1x - Kronx Dragonhoof 2x - Sethekk Veilweaver 2x - Thoughtsteal 2x - Breath of the Infinite 2x - Cabal Acolyte 1x - Shadow Word: Ruin 2x - Time Rip 2x - Cabal Shadow Priest 1x - Galakrond, the Unspeakable 1x - Soul Mirror 1x - Murozond the Infinite

Deck Code

AAECAa0GBo6xA+O0A8i+A8jAA7PMA6bVAwwekAKXAtqsA/KsA/6uA6qvA82vA5O6A5u6A8vNA+PRAwA= Copy Code

Best Priest Decks for Scholomance Wild

Wild can be a bit difficult to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have been successful on the Wild ladder. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. Normally, you will notice that just the most powerful cards out of the set find their way into decks.

Wild Highlander Priest

Highlander Priest was one of the strongest decks in Standard for a period of time. This version of the list that is played in Wild piles in a bunch of the strong Dragons that Priest has had over the years, and then adds a lot of the other strong Priest cards to make a pretty solid control based deck.

Scholomance hasn't done much to infiltrate the deck, you will find Mindrender Illucia in the list now, but she isn't a must have card.

Priest Neutral 1x - Raise Dead 1x - Sphere of Sapience 1x - Holy Smite 1x - Bloodmage Thalnos 1x - Northshire Cleric 1x - Loot Hoarder 1x - Potion of Madness 1x - Novice Engineer 1x - Penance 1x - Zephrys the Great 1x - Seance 1x - Gluttonous Ooze 1x - Shadow Visions 1x - Mo'arg Artificer 1x - Shadow Word: Death 1x - Loatheb 1x - Shadow Word: Pain 1x - Lorekeeper Polkelt 1x - Spirit Lash 1x - Reno Jackson 1x - Breath of the Infinite 1x - Mindrender Illucia 1x - Holy Nova 1x - Kazakus 1x - Mass Dispel 1x - Spawn of Shadows 1x - Mass Hysteria 1x - Raza the Chained 1x - Psychic Scream 1x - Shadowreaper Anduin

Deck Code

AAEBAa0GHvsBlwKcAu0FyQbTCtYK1wryDPoO9xPDFoO7ArW7Ati7AtHBAtPFAvDPAujQApDTApeHA+aIA/yjA5mpA/KsA+m+A4/OA9fOA/vRA/bWAwAA Copy Code
