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Best 1.18 Minecraft Lush Cave Seeds (June 2022)

Minecraft's Caves and Cliffs Part 2 update fully introduced the gorgeous Lush Cave biome. These caves are an interesting separation from typical caves as they are filled with plant life including, moss blocks and glow berries. These are the best Minecraft Lush Cave seeds for those looking to explore these caves or build an underground oasis.

Best Minecraft 1.19 & 1.18 Lush Cave Seeds List

  • Java 1.19
    • Holey Lush City: -1058557249
  • Bedrock 1.19
    • Ancient Lush City: -156227665
  • Java 1.18
    • MEGALUSH Cave: -8855702801489964397
    • Badlands Lush Cave: -2606690663582892128
    • Sprawling Lush Cave: 6096073112523391586
    • Hollowed Mountain Lush Cave: -3266841830559157253
  • Bedrock 1.18 (Note: Bedrock seeds work in Java, but they generate structures differently)
    • Lush Caves & Cliffs: 1561117
    • Snowy Mountain Lush Cave: 266623395
    • Battered Taiga Cliff Lush Cave: 416118476
    • Pirate Cove Lush Cave: 1137461630
    • Massive Jungle Lush Cave: 1052646763

Best Minecraft 1.19 Java Lush Cave Seeds

Holey Lush City

The title is not a typo! This Minecraft speed spawns you on top of a tall sea cliff that with huge holes that make it look like swiss cheese. From the entrance of the holes you can see the beginning of a large Lush Cave, which means this is the beautiful spot to start a new adventure. When you are feeling brave, you can explore the depths of the Lush Cave to reveal an Ancient City, one of Minecraft's newest biomes!


  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: 155 -400
    • Ancient City: 120 -51 -536
    • Shipwreck: 184 -216
    • Large Cold Ruins: 328 -232

Best Minecraft 1.19 Bedrock Lush Cave Seeds

Ancient Lush City

This seed was discovered almost as soon as Minecraft 1.19 was released, and it is the ideal seed for players to use if they want to explore the new features of the game, but not give up the Lush Caves biome. You start in an area that is nearby most of the overworld biomes. A couple hundred blocks away you can find an expansive Lush Cave that branches into an Ancient City, causing one of the most fascinating transitions between biomes. There are also two exposed Mineshafts in the Lush Cave!


  • Key Locations
    • Desert Temple: 168 -164
    • Village: 136 -296
    • Ancient City/Lush Cave: -648 -696
    • Large Cold Ruins: 88 -136

Best Minecraft 1.18 Java Lush Cave Seeds


This may be one of the most expansive open-spaced Lush Caves you'll ever see. While a lot of what draws us towards a lush cave can cave-diving to find new areas, this massive expanse is too great to ignore. If you want a full, unobstructed view of a massive cave, this should be the first seed you take. Some parts of the cave run so deep that they hit Deepslate!

Code: -8855702801489964397

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: -689 -295

Badlands Lush Cave

Seed: -2606690663582892128

This seed has a Lush cave directly under a mountain in the Badlands. This cave actually features a lake right inside it, with water pouring over its edges down into a deep cavern below. This seed stands out as it's almost like a hidden underground oasis right in the middle of the desert. There is even a geode inside of the Lush cave.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x:-1100, z:400

Related: Where to find Dripstone Caves in Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs Part 2

Sprawling Lush Cave

Seed: 6096073112523391586

This seed spawns you within walking distance of one of the most spread-out Lush caves you will ever see. As with the other Lush caves on this list, you have one or two large wide-open areas. However, with this cave, you have one continuous Lush cave spreading throughout dozens of narrow connected tunnels. This makes the Lush cave feel alive while still feeling like you are underground.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x:371, z:-216

Hollowed Mountain Lush Cave

Seed: -3266841830559157253

The special thing about this seed is its Lush cave biome located inside a seemingly hollowed-out mountain. The outside of the mountain is peppered with openings showing the saturated green interior. There is even a Dripstone cave joined with the Lush cave. However, this cave does not feature many gorgeous glow berries that make the other caves sparkle.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x:1798, z:-90

Best Minecraft Bedrock 1.18 Lush Cave Seeds

Lush Caves & Cliffs

Seed: 781561117

This seed shows off the best of the 1.18 world generation update right at the spawn. You start the world in a mountainous Badlands biome that is filled with caves with view of the surrounding area outside. Then, a minute's walk away, is a massive and beautiful Lush Cave that has multiple layers and spans several hundred blocks. The image above doesn't even do it justice, as there are dozens of little nooks that lead to even more "rooms" of the cave!

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: -165 130

Snowy Mountain Lush Cave

Seed: 266623395

The frozen tundra is the last place you might expect a thriving lush cave to exist. However, this seed spawns you right on top of a snowy mountain that hides a large Lush Cave just beneath it. This vast Lush Cave goes from its exposed cliffside entrance all the way down into Deepslate. This cave almost seems to warm you up just by entering it and getting out of the cold that is all around it.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x: -425, z: -246

Battered Taiga Cliff Lush Cave

Seed: 416118476

This Lush Cave sits under an Old Growth Taiga Biome, exposed to a large lake. This cave is much more confined than some of the others on this list. It helps to create the more classic cave feel of Minecraft while also bringing you the beauty of a Lush Cave. We like this cave because it looks like the cliff was bombarded in some attack and now the Lush Cave has grown into the damaged cliff face.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x: 5, y: 4

Pirate Cove Lush Cave

Seed: 1137461630

This seed features a very interesting cave system on the edge of an ocean, creating this almost Pirate Cove look. Connected to this large cove are multiple Lush Caves located in nearby mountains and much further underground. The thing that stands out most is just how common Lush forests seem to be in just this one area.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x:381 z:-635

Massive Jungle Lush Cave

Seed: 1052646763

What's great about this seed is that not only are you getting just an absolutely massive Lush cave, you are also getting the rare Jungle and Bamboo Jungle biomes just above it. The interesting thing is just how lush this cave really is. The ceiling is covered in glow berries, and the ground is full of clay ponds and moss. Also, this seed actually has another Lush cave right below you at spawn, though it is quite underwhelming.

  • Key Locations
    • Lush Cave: x:593, z:-170

There you have it, the best Lush Cave seeds in Minecraft. When venturing into these caves, don't forget to bring a bucket of water to get down and back up from large heights. Also, bring your armor and sword, as there will be many enemies standing in your way.

For more Minecraft content, check out Where to find all new cave types in Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs Part 2: Lush, Dripstone, Cheese, & more right here on Pro Game Guides.
