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All Mutations in Biomutant Explained: Best Mutations to Choose

In Biomutant, mutations are most easily described as character stats. In most games with character customization, you can remove points in strength or agility and put them towards stats like luck or vitality. It's the same in Biomutant, but with some additional changes. Here is the rundown for each mutation and how they affect your character.


Vitality alters your character's ability to take damage or survive specific status effects. Altering this mutation will primarily change how thick your character looks.

  • Health: Influences how much health/hit points your character has. The higher the health, the more damage required to take them down.
  • Armor: Influences how much damage is taken to your health when you're hit. The stronger the armor, the less damage you take. Armor does not appear to be affected by the Vitality stat, and instead increases or decreases based on the equipment you wear.

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Strength alters your character's damage and power compared against enemies and NPCs. Altering this mutation will primarily change how buff your character looks.

  • Melee Damage: Influences how much damage your weapons do. The higher the melee damage, the higher the maximum and minimum damage inflicted every time you strike an enemy.


Intellect alters your character's elemental abilities in combat. Altering this mutation will primarily change the size of your character's head.

  • Power: Influences how much damage your elemental abilities inflict. Also influences the effectiveness of abilities that don't cause damage.
  • Energy: Influences how much you can use your elemental abilities. The higher the Energy, the more you can use an ability.
  • Energy Regen: Influences how quickly your Energy regenerates after using an ability. The higher the regeneration rate, the sooner you'll be able to use an ability after you've spent your energy.


Charisma alters your character's influence with NPCs. The higher the Charisma, the faster you'll build positive relations with NPCs for better results while trading. Altering this mutation will change your character's face, height, and thickness.

  • Barter: Influences how cheap you can buy items and how much money you'll receive when you sell items.


Agility alters your character's speed and dexterity. The higher the agility, the easier it will be to dodge, strike, and move around your enemies. Altering this mutation will change how lean and tall your character is.

  • Move Speed: Influences how fast you move in and out of combat.


Luck Alters the chance you have for beneficial events to happen in combat. The higher the Luck stat, the more likely you are to receive better loot or deal heavy damage. Luck is the only stat that cannot be manipulated directly in character creation.

  • Critical Chance: Influences how likely it is that you'll deal a critical strike, which greatly increases the damage inflicted with a single strike. The higher this stat is, the more often you'll deal powerful blows.
  • Loot Chance: Influences how often you get loot after defeating an enemy and how valuable the loot is. Loot can be gear, currency, or weapons.

Related: Does Biomutant Have New Game Plus? - Pro Game Guides

Additional Customization

During character creation, there are other ways to change your character, but they're not directly called mutations. Still, it's helpful to mention them since they do directly affect your character's appearance abilities.

Resistances & Hazards

There are four resistances and hazards that can be altered during character creation. They are changed in the same way that mutations are changed, which means that improving the stats in one means the others will negatively impacted. The four hazards are Heat, Cold, Radioactivity, and Biohazard. Changing these in any way will directly impact how much of them you can tolerate before they affect you and how much they affect you once you reach that threshold.

Fur & Fur Color

In this part of character creation, you can change the pattern on your character's fur and the color. This does not directly affect anything in the game, so you can alter these to your liking.

That's what we know so far about the Mutations in Biomutant. More information about every breed, mutation, and class is being released every day, so be sure to check back often!

We're covering everything Biomutant in the coming weeks to keep you up to speed. Be sure to check out all of our great content on our Biomutant homepage.
