Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are the original Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes. These are being produced by ILCA and tend to remain faithful to their predecessors. But there are features of newer games that are being implemented in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, such as outfits.
To change your outfit in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you will first need to make your way to Veilstone City. Here you will find the Metronome Style Shop. Read More...
Our Lawn Mowing Simulator Codes has the most up-to-date list of codes that you can redeem for pets and mounts. These codes will give you a nice boost and get you ahead of the game if you're just starting out or help level you up faster if you've been playing for a while!
Lawn Mowing Simulator Codes List Here's a look at all of the currently available codes in Lawn Mowing Simulator, as well as some you might have missed out on. Read More...
Once you have reached the Rethramis Border area in Lost Ark, you can start finding rare blue scrolls, from here on out on your journey. These scrolls are actually Secret Maps and are named things such as Lone Demon's Demonic Cave and Waiting Demon's Rift. These can be acquired by killing enemies in this area, and by completing quests. These, when used, are actually maps that show you a section of the map, very much like a treasure map, that when you go find that X marks the spot location, you can enter a secret dungeon. Read More...