
Roblox Shoot Out Codes (June 2022)

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Our Roblox Shoot Out Codes has the most updated list of working Twitter codes that will get you a bunch of free gold and some gun trails! Gold can be used to purchase death effects, knife skins, gun trails, and skins! These won't help your aim, but they will help you look stylish. Shoot Out Codes Shoot Out is very similar to Arsenal in that it's a gun game, where you'll try to get eliminations to get through a set of weapons on your way to a win. Read More...

How to Feed Pelicans in Far Cry 6?

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Pelicans can be found in many places around the island of Yara. You are able to unlock Pelican Hunting Spots on your map while exploring the map. One of the best spots we can recommend is located in La Jaya section of the map—east coast of the main island. Related: How to get All Vehicles and Cars in Far Cry 6 There is an option to feed the pelicans in Far Cry 6. Read More...

How to operate Kamuijima Cannons in Genshin Impact

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Tatara Tales is a world quest in Genshin Impact that requires several steps, one of which is fixing and operating the three Kamuijima Cannons. After observing the Mikage Furnace, Xavier will ask that you use the Kamuijima Cannons to bring down the barrier once and for all. Related: Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing Guide Thankfully, this part of Tatara Tales is pretty simple. You'll travel to the three locations marked below on the map and use the nearby Electrograna to power up the cannons. Read More...